BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease, characterized by chronic relapsing immune-mediated inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, is often associated with extra-intestinal manifestations affecting multiple organs. The aim of this study is to ascertain whether IBD is associated with atopy or not.
METHODS: The case group comprised of sixty newly diagnosed IBD patients; 51 with ulcerative colitis and 9 with Crohn’s disease, whereas the control group included 60 subjects (matched for age and gender) free from any gastrointestinal symptoms. They were all subjected to full history (including pulmonary and allergic symptoms, as well as personal and family history of atopy), skin prick test, serum total IgE, pulmonary function tests, and differential leukocytic count for eosinophils. Colon biopsies for histopathological scoring were taken from the patients.
RESULTS: IBD patients had significantly (p<0.05) greater frequency of pulmonary symptoms with evident pulmonary function test (PFT) abnormalities, allergic manifestations, personal and family history of atopy, skin prick test reactivity, blood eosinophilia and increased total serum IgE levels when compared with the matched controls. However, no statistically significant (p>0.05) relationship could be found between the skin prick test reactivity, serum total IgE levels and histopathological or clinical activity index.
CONCLUSION: IBD is significantly associated with atopy when compared with matched controls.